So this summer I decided I should meet some guys. I have met lots of guys, with some mixed results. Mostly I have just been a shameless flirt (as opposed to a shameless hussy, which is another story), and I've had some interesting adventures.
Last Monday at family home evening I was chillin' out on a blanket with some people in my ward, just chatting and waiting for our outdoor movie to start. Sitting next to us in a tiny portable chair is this adorable returned missionary who insists he knows me every time we see each other and therefore thinks that we either had classes together in junior high or he had a premortal crush on me. I was innocently adjusting into a more comfortable blanket-sitting pose when my foot brushed his.
“Are you coming on to me?” he teased.
Deadpan, I nodded. “Yes.”
He blinked. “Oh, okay. That wasn't the answer I was expecting.”
It was fun to catch him off guard and avoid the additional teasing that probably would have come if I would have said no. We talked about lot of interesting things after that, which is something I always enjoy. Having common ground is not so important as being a conversationalist.
Common ground is something that one should make sure one establishes before one goes off on a subject. I learned that while nerd flirting is hilarious (see 17 Again for details), you should never nerd flirt unless you know the other person is as much as a nerd as you.
Por ejemplo:
A few family home evenings before that, we had a dessert night and a guy was wearing a shirt with one of my favorite images on it.
He stared up at me. Blinked. “No, I just think this shirt is cool.”
“Why?” he asked. “Can you?”
Yes, yes I could. And I rambled about geology nervously for a few minutes before bolting. I was really embarrassed about it, but I had fun relating the story at a party with a few of my friends later. Sometimes it's worth making a fool of yourself, especially if you can laugh about it later.