Monday, September 15, 2008


It's been a while since I've attracted a creeper, but here's one to make you raise your eyebrows. There's no hyperbole in this story, if you're wondering. I'm a writing assistant for the English 1000 classes. The other day, one guy approached me (I think it was in Institute, but I didn't think much of it at the time so I don't remember) and was like, "Hey, it looks like our writing assistants exist outside of class."

"Yeah, funny how that happens, huh?"

That wasn't an invitation, by the way, but apparently he didn't catch that. Today after classes I was headed to the library to do some homework and see my friends who work in the Media Lab when I ran into the kid again. "Hey Rachel, are you going to class?" he says, like he wants to detain me for a while if I'm not.

"Nah, but I'm going to meet up with some friends. How about you?"

"Yeah. Hey, do you think I could switch into your group?" We have about four groups in our class and I like all the students in mine. They aren't too open, but at least none of them stalk me. (Okay, it isn't that bad, but he gives me a bad feeling.)

"Why? Who's your writing assistant?"

"That other blond girl who wears the low-cut shirts all of the time."

I raised my eyebrows. He knows my name but not his own writing assistant's? "Tabby?" (That's a pseudonym, my friends, if you haven't caught on yet that I like those.) "What's the problem? She was my roommate last year. She's a really friendly, nice girl and she knows what she's talking about."

"Yeah, I just prefer girls with a more wholesome look."

I don't think my eyebrows can raise much higher without my nostrils flaring. Tabby's shirts might be a little low-cut, but who give a damn about what he prefers? It's not like he's dating her--he's certainly not going to be dating me. Even if you didn't put me on edge, that would be totally unprofessional, Mr. Creeper. I'm not afraid to slam you with a sexual harassments charge if you keep this up. "Tabby's standards might not be the same as yours, but she's a moral and good person. I've got to go."

So I hope that will be the end of Mr. Creeper, but I highly doubt it. Joe won't switch him into my group, though, especially if I say something. He's a really great guy, and I'm glad to be working with him.

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